Provide a placeholder at the place which need waiting for loading.
When To Use#
When resource needs long time to load, like low network speed.
The component contains much information. Such as List or Card.
Only works when loading data at first time.
Could be replaced by Spin in all situation, but provide better user experience then spin if it works.
import { Skeleton } from 'antd';
ReactDOM.render(<Skeleton />, mountNode);
import { Skeleton } from 'antd';
ReactDOM.render(<Skeleton avatar paragraph={{ rows: 4 }} />, mountNode);
import { Skeleton } from 'antd';
ReactDOM.render(<Skeleton active />, mountNode);
Ant Design, a design language
We supply a series of design principles, practical patterns and high quality design resources (Sketch and Axure), to help people create their product prototypes beautifully and efficiently.
import { Skeleton, Button } from 'antd';
class Demo extends React.Component {
state = {
loading: false,
showSkeleton = () => {
this.setState({ loading: true });
setTimeout(() => {
this.setState({ loading: false });
}, 3000);
render() {
return (
<div className="article">
<Skeleton loading={this.state.loading}>
<h4>Ant Design, a design language</h4>
<p>We supply a series of design principles, practical patterns and high quality design resources (Sketch and Axure), to help people create their product prototypes beautifully and efficiently.</p>
<Button onClick={this.showSkeleton} disabled={this.state.loading}>
Show Skeleton
ReactDOM.render(<Demo />, mountNode);
import {
Skeleton, Switch, List, Avatar, Icon,
} from 'antd';
const listData = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
href: '',
title: `ant design part ${i}`,
avatar: '',
description: 'Ant Design, a design language for background applications, is refined by Ant UED Team.',
content: 'We supply a series of design principles, practical patterns and high quality design resources (Sketch and Axure), to help people create their product prototypes beautifully and efficiently.',
const IconText = ({ type, text }) => (
<Icon type={type} style={{ marginRight: 8 }} />
class App extends React.Component {
state = {
loading: true,
onChange = (checked) => {
this.setState({ loading: !checked });
render() {
const { loading } = this.state;
return (
<Switch checked={!loading} onChange={this.onChange} />
renderItem={item => (
actions={!loading && [<IconText type="star-o" text="156" />, <IconText type="like-o" text="156" />, <IconText type="message" text="2" />]}
extra={!loading && <img width={272} alt="logo" src="" />}
<Skeleton loading={loading} active avatar>
avatar={<Avatar src={item.avatar} />}
title={<a href={item.href}>{item.title}</a>}
ReactDOM.render(<App />, mountNode);
Property | Description | Type | Default |
active | Show animation effect | boolean | false |
avatar | Show avatar placeholder | boolean | SkeletonAvatarProps | false |
loading | Display the skeleton when true | boolean | - |
paragraph | Show paragraph placeholder | boolean | SkeletonParagraphProps | true |
title | Show title placeholder | boolean | SkeletonTitleProps | true |
Property | Description | Type | Default |
size | Set the size of avatar | Enum{ 'large', 'small', 'default' } | - |
shape | Set the shape of avatar | Enum{ 'circle', 'square' } | - |
Property | Description | Type | Default |
width | Set the width of title | number | string | - |
Property | Description | Type | Default |
rows | Set the row count of paragraph | number | - |
width | Set the width of paragraph. When width is an Array, it can set the width of each row. Otherwise only set the last row width | number | string | Array<number | string> | - |