
A basic widget for getting the user input is a text field. Keyboard and mouse can be used for providing or changing data.

When To Use#

  • A user input in a form field is needed.

  • A search input is required.


Basic usage example.

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import { Input } from 'antd';

ReactDOM.render(<Input placeholder="Basic usage" />, mountNode);

Using pre & post tabs example.

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import { Input, Select, Icon } from 'antd';

const Option = Select.Option;

const selectBefore = (
  <Select defaultValue="Http://" style={{ width: 90 }}>
    <Option value="Http://">Http://</Option>
    <Option value="Https://">Https://</Option>
const selectAfter = (
  <Select defaultValue=".com" style={{ width: 80 }}>
    <Option value=".com">.com</Option>
    <Option value=".jp">.jp</Option>
    <Option value=".cn">.cn</Option>
    <Option value=".org">.org</Option>

    <div style={{ marginBottom: 16 }}>
      <Input addonBefore="Http://" addonAfter=".com" defaultValue="mysite" />
    <div style={{ marginBottom: 16 }}>
      <Input addonBefore={selectBefore} addonAfter={selectAfter} defaultValue="mysite" />
    <div style={{ marginBottom: 16 }}>
      <Input addonAfter={<Icon type="setting" />} defaultValue="mysite" />

Example of creating a search box by grouping a standard input with a search button, added in 2.5.0.

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import { Input } from 'antd';

const Search = Input.Search;

      placeholder="input search text"
      onSearch={value => console.log(value)}
      style={{ width: 200 }}
    <br /><br />
      placeholder="input search text"
      onSearch={value => console.log(value)}
    <br /><br />
      placeholder="input search text"
      onSearch={value => console.log(value)}

autosize prop for a textarea type of Input makes the height to automatically adjust based on the content. An options object can be provided to autosize to specify the minimum and maximum number of lines the textarea will automatically adjust.

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import { Input } from 'antd';

const { TextArea } = Input;

    <TextArea placeholder="Autosize height based on content lines" autosize />
    <div style={{ margin: '24px 0' }} />
    <TextArea placeholder="Autosize height with minimum and maximum number of lines" autosize={{ minRows: 2, maxRows: 6 }} />

Add prefix or suffix icons inside input.

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import { Input, Icon } from 'antd';

class App extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      userName: '',

  emitEmpty = () => {
    this.setState({ userName: '' });

  onChangeUserName = (e) => {
    this.setState({ userName: });

  render() {
    const { userName } = this.state;
    const suffix = userName ? <Icon type="close-circle" onClick={this.emitEmpty} /> : null;
    return (
        placeholder="Enter your username"
        prefix={<Icon type="user" style={{ color: 'rgba(0,0,0,.25)' }} />}
        ref={node => this.userNameInput = node}

ReactDOM.render(<App />, mountNode);
.anticon-close-circle {
  cursor: pointer;
  color: #ccc;
  transition: color 0.3s;
  font-size: 12px;
.anticon-close-circle:hover {
  color: #999;
.anticon-close-circle:active {
  color: #666;

Input type of password.

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import { Input } from 'antd';

const onChange = (e) => {

  <Input placeholder="input with clear icon" allowClear onChange={onChange} />
, mountNode);

There are three sizes of an Input box: large (40px), default (32px) and small (24px).

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import { Input } from 'antd';

  <div className="example-input">
    <Input size="large" placeholder="large size" />
    <Input placeholder="default size" />
    <Input size="small" placeholder="small size" />
.example-input .ant-input {
  width: 200px;
  margin: 0 8px 8px 0;

Input.Group example

Note: You don't need Col to control the width in the compact mode.

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import {
  Input, Col, Row, Select, InputNumber, DatePicker, AutoComplete, Cascader,
} from 'antd';

const InputGroup = Input.Group;
const Option = Select.Option;

const options = [{
  value: 'zhejiang',
  label: 'Zhejiang',
  children: [{
    value: 'hangzhou',
    label: 'Hangzhou',
    children: [{
      value: 'xihu',
      label: 'West Lake',
}, {
  value: 'jiangsu',
  label: 'Jiangsu',
  children: [{
    value: 'nanjing',
    label: 'Nanjing',
    children: [{
      value: 'zhonghuamen',
      label: 'Zhong Hua Men',

class CompactDemo extends React.Component {
  state = {
    dataSource: [],

  handleChange = (value) => {
      dataSource: !value || value.indexOf('@') >= 0 ? [] : [

  render() {
    return (
        <InputGroup size="large">
          <Row gutter={8}>
            <Col span={5}>
              <Input defaultValue="0571" />
            <Col span={8}>
              <Input defaultValue="26888888" />
        <br />
        <InputGroup compact>
          <Input style={{ width: '20%' }} defaultValue="0571" />
          <Input style={{ width: '30%' }} defaultValue="26888888" />
        <br />
        <InputGroup compact>
          <Select defaultValue="Zhejiang">
            <Option value="Zhejiang">Zhejiang</Option>
            <Option value="Jiangsu">Jiangsu</Option>
          <Input style={{ width: '50%' }} defaultValue="Xihu District, Hangzhou" />
        <br />
        <InputGroup compact>
          <Select defaultValue="Option1">
            <Option value="Option1">Option1</Option>
            <Option value="Option2">Option2</Option>
          <Input style={{ width: '50%' }} defaultValue="input content" />
          <InputNumber />
        <br />
        <InputGroup compact>
          <Input style={{ width: '50%' }} defaultValue="input content" />
          <DatePicker />
        <br />
        <InputGroup compact>
          <Select defaultValue="Option1-1">
            <Option value="Option1-1">Option1-1</Option>
            <Option value="Option1-2">Option1-2</Option>
          <Select defaultValue="Option2-2">
            <Option value="Option2-1">Option2-1</Option>
            <Option value="Option2-2">Option2-2</Option>
        <br />
        <InputGroup compact>
          <Select defaultValue="1">
            <Option value="1">Between</Option>
            <Option value="2">Except</Option>
          <Input style={{ width: 100, textAlign: 'center' }} placeholder="Minimum" />
              width: 30, borderLeft: 0, pointerEvents: 'none', backgroundColor: '#fff',
          <Input style={{ width: 100, textAlign: 'center', borderLeft: 0 }} placeholder="Maximum" />
        <br />
        <InputGroup compact>
          <Select defaultValue="Sign Up">
            <Option value="Sign Up">Sign Up</Option>
            <Option value="Sign In">Sign In</Option>
            style={{ width: 200 }}
        <br />
        <InputGroup compact>
          <Select style={{ width: '30%' }} defaultValue="Home">
            <Option value="Home">Home</Option>
            <Option value="Company">Company</Option>
          <Cascader style={{ width: '70%' }} options={options} placeholder="Select Address" />

ReactDOM.render(<CompactDemo />, mountNode);

For multi-line input.

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import { Input } from 'antd';

const { TextArea } = Input;

ReactDOM.render(<TextArea rows={4} />, mountNode);

You can use the Input in conjunction with Tooltip component to create a Numeric Input, which can provide a good experience for extra-long content display.

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import { Input, Tooltip } from 'antd';

function formatNumber(value) {
  value += '';
  const list = value.split('.');
  const prefix = list[0].charAt(0) === '-' ? '-' : '';
  let num = prefix ? list[0].slice(1) : list[0];
  let result = '';
  while (num.length > 3) {
    result = `,${num.slice(-3)}${result}`;
    num = num.slice(0, num.length - 3);
  if (num) {
    result = num + result;
  return `${prefix}${result}${list[1] ? `.${list[1]}` : ''}`;

class NumericInput extends React.Component {
  onChange = (e) => {
    const { value } =;
    const reg = /^-?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]*)?$/;
    if ((!Number.isNaN(value) && reg.test(value)) || value === '' || value === '-') {

  // '.' at the end or only '-' in the input box.
  onBlur = () => {
    const { value, onBlur, onChange } = this.props;
    if (value.charAt(value.length - 1) === '.' || value === '-') {
      onChange({ value: value.slice(0, -1) });
    if (onBlur) {

  render() {
    const { value } = this.props;
    const title = value ? (
      <span className="numeric-input-title">
        {value !== '-' ? formatNumber(value) : '-'}
    ) : 'Input a number';
    return (
          placeholder="Input a number"

class NumericInputDemo extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { value: '' };

  onChange = (value) => {
    this.setState({ value });

  render() {
    return <NumericInput style={{ width: 120 }} value={this.state.value} onChange={this.onChange} />;

ReactDOM.render(<NumericInputDemo />, mountNode);
/* to prevent the arrow overflow the popup container,
or the height is not enough when content is empty */
.numeric-input .ant-tooltip-inner {
  min-width: 32px;
  min-height: 37px;

.numeric-input .numeric-input-title {
  font-size: 14px;

Input type of password and added in 3.12.0.

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import { Input } from 'antd';

ReactDOM.render(<Input.Password placeholder="input password" />, mountNode);



addonAfterThe label text displayed after (on the right side of) the input field.string|ReactNode
addonBeforeThe label text displayed before (on the left side of) the input field.string|ReactNode
defaultValueThe initial input contentstring
disabledWhether the input is disabled.booleanfalse
idThe ID for inputstring
prefixThe prefix icon for the Input.string|ReactNode
sizeThe size of the input box. Note: in the context of a form, the large size is used. Available: large default smallstringdefault
suffixThe suffix icon for the Input.string|ReactNode
typeThe type of input, see: MDN(use Input.TextArea instead of type="textarea")stringtext
valueThe input content valuestring
onChangecallback when user inputfunction(e)
onPressEnterThe callback function that is triggered when Enter key is pressed.function(e)
allowClearallow to remove input content with clear iconboolean

When Input is used in a Form.Item context, if the Form.Item has the id and options props defined then value, defaultValue, and id props of Input are automatically set.

The rest of the props of Input are exactly the same as the original input.


If you are using antd@<2.12, please use Input[type=textarea].

autosizeHeight autosize feature, can be set to true|false or an object { minRows: 2, maxRows: 6 }boolean|objectfalse
defaultValueThe initial input contentstring
valueThe input content valuestring
onPressEnterThe callback function that is triggered when Enter key is pressed.function(e)

The rest of the props of Input.TextArea are the same as the original textarea.


Added in 2.5.0

enterButtonto show an enter button after inputboolean|ReactNodefalse
onSearchThe callback function that is triggered when you click on the search-icon or press Enter key.function(value, event)

Supports all props of Input.


compactWhether use compact stylebooleanfalse
sizeThe size of Input.Group specifies the size of the included Input fields. Available: large default smallstringdefault
  <Input />
  <Input />

Input.Password (Added in 3.12.0)#

visibilityToggleWhether show toggle buttonbooleantrue


Why Input lose focus when change prefix/suffix#

When Input dynamic add or remove prefix/suffix will make React recreate the dom structure and new input will be not focused. You can set an empty <span /> element to keep the dom structure:

const suffix = condition ? <Icon type="smile" /> : <span />;

<Input suffix={suffix} />